Recent content by Xarathion

  1. Xarathion

    Most Dissapointing Game of the Year

    Too Human, for many of the reasons already listed here. An action game that uses the analog sticks for attacking....makes no sense. How can an action game not require the use of your thumbs in an "action" type of way? (bad analogy, but you all get the point) Holding my thumbs in one...
  2. Xarathion

    Movie adaptation of video games that did not suck

    Gotta give my vote to Mortal Kombat as well. It's not Oscar material, but it is a very fun movie to watch in it's own right....the only video game movie I have on DVD. The music is the epitome of 90's techno that everyone was into at one time or another....don't try to deny it. The special...
  3. Xarathion

    Used Games

    Recent releases that I have to have, I usually always buy new. Older games I almost always buy used. Though I'm attempting to be a good citizen lately and avoid getting those used games through GameStop....
  4. Xarathion

    Zero originality or: the Richard Sorge of gamestop speaks!

    Well, a discussion I glanced over in some YouTube message board said that GameStop filed some sort of court order, and YouTube had to take it down. Whether they are trying to pursue legal action against the guy or not is unknown...would be stupid if they were, as all he is doing is expressing...
  5. Xarathion

    Zero originality or: the Richard Sorge of gamestop speaks!

    Friendly bump. His YouTube account was suspended, but the videos are still up on Gametrailers. Here they are, for your convenience. 1. 2. 3...
  6. Xarathion

    You know....

    Those circuit city ads on the main site are extremely obnoxious. There's a line that should not be crossed with website advertising. Ads that stay within their little rectangular boxes are fine. When they start flying around the screen, demanding your attention, then there's a problem. I...