Recent content by Icarus360

  1. I

    Freaky Creatures - Open Beta

    I am here to advertise
  2. I

    The game you wanted to complete, but you couldn't

    I actually have a list, and then I started thinking...if not for the XBOX360 achievements, I'd be a bit confused as to what makes for a 'completed' game. It used to be storyline, or the nth Boss Level, but now so many games are open ended.
  3. I

    Guitar Hero or Rock Band??

    I am LOVIN Rock Band....just wish I had the drum kit
  4. I

    What The Crap moments of gaming history

    my fav WTF moment is from the 360, JUST CAUSE (aka The Island version of GTA) The first time I highjacked a helicopter and tossed the guy flying it out the door. Man, that game had its monents